Mitie Back to Business Seminar Archive
The Back to Business seminar series follows the publication of Mitie’s acclaimed Back to Business guide to reopening and future-proofing workplaces.
15 July
A little less conversation, a little more action: How to be the catalyst for a zero carbon recovery
As businesses prepare to return to workplaces, rising energy costs, certainty of supply and increasing consumption will rapidly increase organisations’ carbon impact.Guest speaker Isabella O'Dowd, Climate Change Specialist, WWF-UK was joined by Mitie’s senior sustainability leaders in discussing how acting now can deliver:
- immediate cost & carbon savings; and
- help future proof businesses for the new normal
8 July
How technology is helping reopen sites safely
As lockdown is eased, one of the most urgent business challenges is ensuring employees and customers can return to sites safely.
Christian Watts, Director, Fire and Security Systems and Ian Smithyman, Remote Operating Transformation Director, outlined:
- how adoption of technology such as Thermal Imaging, Occupancy Sensors and Remote Monitoring, is helping organisations across the UK not only meet the challenge, but also future-proof themselves against further outbreaks.
1 July
Be Aware of the Risk
Mitie’s Director of Assurance, Barrie Millett, Group Head of Risk, Ian Carter, Enterprise Risk Assurance Manager, Daniel Webb and guest speaker, Superintendent Julian Platt discuss:
- as Covid-19 lock down restrictions are eased, the measures organisations should be considering in response to evolving threats e.g. increasing crime, terrorism
17 June
How the Coronavirus pandemic has changed cleaning regimes forever
COVID-19 has radically changed the way sites are cleaned now and in the future.
James Gilding, Managing Director, Cleaning & Environmental Services outlines how Mitie:
- Has been at the forefront of driving this change, including the early adoption of cutting-edge technology
- Is helping clients meet the immediate challenge of COVID-19 and future proof their spaces for the new normal
3 June
Preparing COVID-19 aware working environments
Presented by Mitie’s Group QHSE Director, John Colley, this seminar explores the:
- Regulatory requirements prompted by the Coronavirus outbreak
- Measures organisations must consider for the health, safety and wellbeing of people as they return to workplaces